Hostgator shut down my clients wordpress website.  “Unfortunately, we were forced to disable the script “xxxxxxxxx/public_html/index.php” as it was causing high loading issues on the server. Due to this affecting all of the other accounts on the system, we had to take immediate action for the health of the server.”  This is the email that I received.

When I went to check the site, it was down and loaded a forbidden page.  The email also gave me a few tips to try an rectify the issue, which I have since done and I am still waiting for a response back.  But my biggest problem is that this site makes money for my client and now the site has been down for over 24 hours.  Why couldn’t Hostgator notify me first and give me a 48 hour window to correct the problem and then shut me down if I don’t comply?  Do they have the right to “shoot first and ask questions later”?  I guess they feel they do.

So I an still waiting for a response back from technical support.  In the meantime make sure you have a caching plugin installed and running on your blog, as this will reduce the load time of your wordpress website.  The one I installed was WP Super Cache.

I will keep you updated of the progress of the situation.

(UPDATE) – About 30 hours later, Hostgator restored my clients wordpress website after I took quick action.  They did make a note to state that they will keep an eye on the server load in case of overload issues in the future.

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