I own Easy Video Player 2 and it is one of the best self hosted players on the market. But when I got notified that Easy Video Suite ( a follow up to EVP2 ), I just had to tell you about it.
Easy Video Suite is being released on January 15, 2013 at 6 pm eastern time. You can download it from the big red download link above.
If you have ever used Easy Video Player 2, then you will see how much easier this new version is to use. Easy Video Suite has a much better file management system that keeps better track of all your folders and videos.
A powerful feature in this new version is that you can add events inside your videos and force people to optin or share your videos. You can also add delayed calls to action inside your videos! It will work on a PC and Mac. Easy Video Suite will automatically convert your video to the best format for the device that it is being played on. This is big. No more trying to create different file formats and adding special code to you website. You can make a video book, where you can have your viewers play chapters instead of just one long video. EVS will also record your screen, so if you have been wanting to get that expensive screen recorder, don’t bother, just get EVS. And there is so much more.
Get this Video Player Now, You Won’t Regret It.